At Utah County Water Damage Cleanup Service, if you don't have a dehumidifier but you have a fan. Lay flat ducting will get out the moisture and the smell out of the house while keeping the room warm, you will have to seal off the rest of the window and put a window lock on it. I use a thin piece of plywood so that the window will lock. In this picture the baseboard was just a little wet on the bottom. But if it is wet all the way up to the window you will need to take off the baseboard and cut a 3 X 12 inch hole under the baseboard line but above the 2 X 4 and stick the fan against the wall it will blow the wall dry, this works well for fiberglass insulation. The blown-in insulation you will have to take out. Adding some space heaters will speed up the drying process. The fan will pull the heat and blow it up the wall. This in not standard drying but it works.